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"Bittersweet Birthday" OUAT fan-fic

Lately I have been re-watching a couple episodes of Once Upon a Time and ran into one that really inspired me, Jefferson has always been one of my favorite characters, so here is my first OUAT fan-fic! WARNING: Spoilers for season one below

Title: Bittersweet Birthday

Word Count: 5,276 Characters: Jefferson/Mad Hatter, Grace Inspiration: Once Upon a Time S1E17 ‘Hat Trick’ Spoilers: Season 1 Episode 17 of Once Upon a Time Summary: Jefferson has suffered three long years of the curse, he feels like he can’t last one more. But today, today is different. For today is his little Grace’s birthday.

Jefferson’s fingers danced around his hat, another day, another fail. Without rest everyday he tried to make it work, but nothing came out of it but restless nights. He glanced at the calendar, but he already knew what date it was. It was the 13th day of the second season. It was Graces birthday.

Unable to control his rage he threw his hat across the room, anger pouring out from every inch of him. He took a deep sigh, and collected himself. It had been 3 years since the curse at stolen him away, stolen everyone away, and everyday felt like an eternity. It hadn’t taken him long to find his Grace, but now she was Paige.

He ran is hand through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes. With quick large strides he approached the window, at stood there for a moment watching the world go by. That was his life now. Watching, waiting.

It made him absolutely mad that no one else could see it, the curse, it was so obvious. No one grew older, all the children were in the same grade every year, no one could remember there time before Storybrooke, but they all still chose to believe this, this horrible fantasy.

A sharp ring of an alarm pierced into his thoughts, it was 6:00, time to wake up. But he hadn’t even gone to bed. He hadn’t slept in days, he never did around this time. He remembered Grace’s birth so clearly, she was the best thing to ever happen to him, and every year he would try and do something special for her. But now- Now Regina had stolen that from him. She trapped him in a world without his daughter not once, but twice now. But he wouldn’t let that stop him.

Hastily he threw on a jacket and grabbed some tea to go, he was going to give his daughter a Birthday present, a proper one this year. But he couldn’t let her know who he was. That was one thing he would never do, he loves her too much for that.

He wrapped his scarf his neck to hide his scar, the last thing he wanted to do was scare her. His breath shown out in the cold crisp air, although he could drive into town, he preferred to walk. It reminded him of when he used to walk in the woods back at home, where everything was happy.

In no time he had reached her school, but arrived to early. She wouldn’t be here for another hour or so. His hands started fidgeting, and then he started to pace. But eventually he realized that he couldn’t wait at the school any longer. He would look suspicious lurking around the school so early. Might as well take a walk. He thought to himself heading off towards Granny’s, he would never say no to a cup of tea.

“Good morning Sir, would you like to order from our breakfast menu?” asked the long haired waitress.

Jefferson was taken aback for a moment. “Breakfast?”

“Yeah, you know, what you eat in the morning?” the Waitress said, voice filled with sarcasm.

“Yeah, no. I mean, yes. Breakfast.” he said, trying to gather himself.

Just then he realized what he was doing to himself. He hadn’t had breakfast in who knows how long. He wasn’t eating, he wasn’t sleeping, he was driving himself over the edge. But he realized something very important. He needed to be there for Grace. If she knew it or not. And he couldn’t be there for her if he was dead. So without another thought he ate, for the first time in weeks. With his plate devoured and tea in hand, he started to walk briskly to the school, and sure enough, there she was.

Her curly hair bounced as she shook with laughter, her and her friends were talking outside the door. Gathering up his courage her walked past the group, using all his might to not look at them, at her. But carefully he slipped a $100 bill from his wallet and let it fall to the floor, he slowed his pace, waiting for her to spot it. I small smile spread across his lips as he heard a delightful gasp from behind him, he knew that she had received her gift. But before he could disappear again he felt a tug at his coat.


He whipped his head around to see Grace smiling up at him. Overwhelmed with emotions he could hardly speak, after a small silence he finally managed to get words out. “Yes?”

She smiled sweetly at him, her dimples shown as her beautiful smile took over her whole face. “You dropped this,” she put out her hand, the $100 bill still clutched between her fingers.

“You don’t want to loose that,”

Jefferson gulped, he didn’t want her to see what was going on inside is head.“You’re right, I don’t want to loose that.”

But instead of taking the money, he grabbed her hand gently and closed her small little fingers around the bill.

“I want you to keep it. And remember, next time you see a stranger, help them on their day.” with that he quickly turned around so she couldn’t see the tears forming in his eyes.

“Thank you Mister!” her sweet voice only broke his heart even more, now that he could finally provide for her, finely giver her what she wanted, needed, now she wasn’t even his. Now he was a stranger. Unable to control the flow of tears, he rapidly strides into a darkened ally, where no one would see him. Where no one cold see his pain. And inside it felt like his soul was being slowly crushed, for it had only been 3 years since the curse. He had 25 more to go. And yet he felt like he couldn’t live another day.

But he would. He would for Grace. He would do anything for Grace.

Thanks for reading! Who is your favorite character in Once Upon a Time? Leave your answer in the comments!


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