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SURVIVAL TIPS: Zombie Apocalypse

Have you ever thought about what you would do if there was ever an apocalypse? From what we know about Zombies, I have piled together some survival tips that we should all know if an apocalypse ever happened.

  • Wear only tight clothes, preferably denim.

The reason for this is, in an apocalypse you will always be moving, and trying to get away from the zombies. If you have tight clothes you will be able to move faster, and are less likely to get a piece of clothing stuck anywhere.

  • Loosely duct tape your arms and legs.

The reason for this is, if you have layers of clothes, then covered loosely in duct tape, those zombies will not be able to bite through your limbs. Go try it yourself! If you can’t bite through, they can’t either. They used to be human after all. But do NOT tape your joints, you need to be able to move freely.

  • As soon as possible go to a store and get medical and food supplies.

Everyone will be doing this, so the most important thing to do is NEVER get in a fight with someone over supplies. Because you already running from Zombies, you don’t need a bunch of angry humans too.

  • Do NOT hide in a small house.

You want to have a bigger house, with many exits. Mostly be on the second floor, as soon as you get up the stairs, destroy them. Have a ladder or some other easily disposable way of getting up.

  • ALWAYS have a lookout.

The worst thing that could happen is getting caught by surprise by an attack of zombies. Always have a lookout, but switch-out every once in a while, rest is important for everyone.

  • Big groups are bad.

The bigger the group, the bigger the target. You want a smaller group, but not that small that you would be totally outnumbered if surrounded.

  • Guns should be a last resort.

The reasons for this is, guns will eventually run out of ammo, you have to stop and reload, and guns are loud. If you shoot a zombie in the head, it will be destroyed. But zombies near by will be attracted to the loud noise, and pretty soon you are surrounded by more zombies than before. It’s better to have a gun than nothing, but if you have a choice go with a more suitable weapon.

  • The best weapon is a blade.

Weather it be a sword, machete, or even a really big ax, it is best to have a blade. With a blade you don’t need ammo, or to reload, and they are not very loud. Also, go straight to the head. Don’t waste your time running the zombie through the chest, from what we know about them, they will only be destroyed when wounded in the head.

  • ALWAYS have a way to make a fire on you

Zombies are almost indestructible, besides their head, they only have one other weakness. Fire. Zombies burn, so always have matches or a lighter on you.

  • Be constantly moving

Never stay in a safe place for to long, because there is no such thing as safe, only safer. The longer you stay in a place, the bigger change a zombie will find you.

  • Never go into a room with only one exit

An example if this is a public bathroom, there is one way in, one way out, and you have no way to see who is really hiding in there. It is not worth the risk. Go into stores is fine, as long as you plan ahead, no your way in, and no at least two ways out. Open spaces with lot’s of exist in one of the safest places to be, so then no zombie can sneak up on you.

So, hopefully there won’t be a Zombie Apocalypse anytime soon… Or ever… But just in case, it pays to be prepared, and have some tips on hand!

Let me know in the comments any tips or tricks you would use if ever in an Apocalypse!



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